The NNERPP Student Voice Subnetwork is a specialized learning community within NNERPP specifically for NNERPP member partnerships who are working to center youth voices in their work now or in the future. Subnetwork members support and inform each other’s efforts, share successes and challenges with each other, and continue to build resources around centering student voice in RPP work to be shared with the larger NNERPP community. 

The purpose of the Youth Voice Subnetwork is to provide a space for NNERPP members and others engaged in youth-focused RPP work to learn together about the affordances and challenges of conducting research in collaboration with youth. Subnetwork members meet every other month to support each other, share relevant resources, and co-develop new ones. Additionally, we hope this group can contribute to our larger understanding of the role of youth in RPPS.

If you are interested in joining the Youth Voice Subnetwork, please email Kim Wright, NNERPP Assistant Director, at, OR sign up using our Subnetworks Sign-Up Form (find the “Youth Voice” subnetwork listed second in the list under “TOPIC-SPECIFIC Subnetworks”).


  • October 24, 2024, 10 – 11am PT/ 11am – 12pm MT/ 12 – 1pm CT/ 1 – 2pm ET

  • December 11, 2024, 10 – 11am PT/ 11am – 12pm MT/ 12 – 1pm CT/ 1 – 2pm ET

  • 2025 dates coming soon!


Go-to resources: The Youth Voice Subnetwork has curated a list of go-to resources for our NNERPP Knowledge Clearinghouse to support those thinking about RPP work with youth. You will find a variety of resources, including journal articles, videos, discussion protocols, and blog posts. We hope these resources will be beneficial to you as you think more about the role of youth within your partnerships and how you might take your next right step towards elevating the voices of youth in education research.