A collaboration between the National Center for Research in Policy & Practice (NCRPP) and NNERPP

Dimension 5:

Foster ongoing learning and develop infrastructure for partnering


RPPs prioritize the necessary learning and develop the critical infrastructure needed to support effective partnering. Because education research, community, and practice have traditionally operated in silos, bringing diverse teams together to engage in meaningful collaboration requires individual learning, organizational learning, and partnership learning.

These learning and infrastructure-building efforts are interconnected with the other dimensions and indicators of RPP health and effectiveness featured in this framework. Much of this learning occurs naturally during the partnership’s work. However, RPPs can also proactively create opportunities, systems, tools, and routines to facilitate and enhance ongoing learning at the individual, organizational, and partnership levels:

  • Individual Level: People within the partnership approach their roles with curiosity and a commitment to learning. Both through designed activities and ongoing engagement in partnership, there are opportunities for members to develop new knowledge, skills, identities, and practices aligned with the partnership’s goals.
  • Organizational Level: Entities like school districts, universities, and community organizations can establish new routines, norms, systems, practices, and roles to support authentic collaboration within the partnership.
  • Partnership Level: The partnerships themselves require tools, routines, and roles to define their objectives, refine their inquiry methods, navigate their unique environments, and manage resources for collaboration. This should be done while paying attention to the dynamics of collaboration, the health of relationships, and the social, historical, and local contexts on an ongoing basis.


In this project, partners…


ENGAGE FROM A LEARNING STANCE: Partners engage with curiosity, reflecting the belief that each member has something to learn from the collaboration.


DEVELOP NEW SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE, AND IDENTITIES FOR PARTNERSHIP WORK: Partners create opportunities for individual development of skills, knowledge, and identities to contribute effectively to collaborative efforts in the current project and in future work.


PLAN AND REVISIT STRATEGIES, PRACTICES, AND ROLES TO MEET GOALS: Partners have clear goals and a plan for working together. Partners establish strategies, regular practices, and designated roles to identify, monitor progress, and adapt their project goals.


ATTEND TO THE HEALTH OF THE PARTNERSHIP: Partners establish methods, regular practices, and designated roles to reflect on and foster the health of their partnership.


GARNER ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT: Participating organizations adjust their structures, policies, and roles and allocate resources to demonstrate value and support of partnership work.


Dimension 5 Tools

Great if you want to…

Minimum Time Needed

further make sense of the Dimensions and Indicators and build a sense of how they are brought to life

5-10 minutes reading

reflect together about one or more indicators

20-30 minutes

dig deeper as an RPP into a particular indicator

20-30 minutes

try a short conversation that can be built into existing meetings or work processes

5 minutes

elicit further insight into some of the indicators using scales of 4-10 survey items


elicit further insight into the indicators through short prompts that can be used to design interviews, discussions, or surveys


The RPP Effectiveness and Health Tool Kit is a collaboration between the National Center for Research in Policy & Practice (NCRPP) and NNERPP