A central activity of RPPs is engagment in research and inquiry. RPPs prioritize the needs of practice and community partners by engaging in inclusive research or inquiry aimed at improvement and transformation. Consequently, there are implications for how research is designed and conducted within a partnership, including considerations about who is involved, how data are collected, managed, and accessed, and decisions about where resources go.
This explicit shift in research and inquiry goals towards a more democratic approach provides greater opportunities for diverse participation and engagement. Efforts are made to connect with broader constituents, even if they cannot be physically present, and to ensure genuine representation of their viewpoints. Processes or structures for involving groups take into account power and privilege dynamics.
When RPPs engage in inclusive research or inquiry to address local needs, they actively seek diverse perspectives, engaging with constituents while addressing cultural and power dynamics to shape research questions. The research is purposefully co-designed to guide practical actions in the community, practice, and policy domains, going beyond academic pursuits. Partners carefully balance methodological rigor with the practical feasibility of conducting research in the local context, and they commit the necessary time, finances, and human resources for meaningful participation.
They strive for inclusivity by involving relevant perspectives and constituents, elevating historically marginalized perspectives, and addressing cultural and power dynamics that can arise through the research and inquiry process. These actions have the potential to reshape how research and inquiry are designed and carried out across all phases of the research and inquiry process.
In this project, partners…
DESIGN RESEARCH QUESTIONS THAT PRIORITIZE LOCAL NEEDS AND CONTEXT: Partners prioritize developing research questions and agendas that are directly relevant to local practices, policies, and community priorities.
INCLUDE RELEVANT PERSPECTIVES IN DEVELOPING RESEARCH AND INQUIRY QUESTIONS: Partners actively seek to involve a diverse range of perspectives in shaping the research agenda and questions.
ENGAGE IN RESEARCH OR INQUIRY FOR ACTION: The research and inquiry activities are designed to inform and guide community, practice, and policy actions.
BALANCE RIGOR AND FEASIBILITY: The research or inquiry designs are carefully crafted to strike a balance between methodological rigor and the practical feasibility of conducting research in the specific local context.
INVEST ADEQUATE RESOURCES AND CAPACITY: Partners have the necessary time, financial resources, research tools, and human capital to engage meaningfully in the research and inquiry process
INCLUDE RELEVANT PERSPECTIVES IN THE RESEARCH AND INQUIRY PROCESS: Partners ensure that individuals with a range of perspectives and roles that are relevant to the research and goals are included in the process to the extent that they are willing and able.
Dimension 2 Tools
Great if you want to…
Minimum Time Needed
further make sense of the Dimensions and Indicators and build a sense of how they are brought to life
5-10 minutes reading
reflect together about one or more indicators
20-30 minutes
dig deeper as an RPP into a particular indicator
20-30 minutes
try a short conversation that can be built into existing meetings or work processes
5 minutes
elicit further insight into some of the indicators using scales of 4-10 survey items
elicit further insight into the indicators through short prompts that can be used to design interviews, discussions, or surveys