This suite of tools is the result of almost five years of collaborative work between members of NNERPP, NCRPP, and other RPPers. We set out wanting to understand more about the Dimensions of RPP Effectiveness (Henrick et al., 2017) and how we might “see” or measure those Dimensions across diverse RPP contexts. As shown in the figure below, our process has involved a range of interviews, survey development, and bringing together different RPP perspectives in conversation.

Many people have contributed to the development of these tools and the related research. Here, we list them in alphabetical order.
Paula Arce-Trigatti
Riley Ceperich
Julia Daniel
Kristen Davidson
Caitlin Farrell
Erin Henrick
Bill Penuel
Robbin Reidy
Alison Fox Resnick
Danny Schmidt
Stacey Sexton
Corinne Singleton
Jim Soland
Nina Spitzley
Kristina Stamatis
Sarah Wellberg
Kim Wright
In addition, since 2019, many people have contributed to the revision of the RPP framework and to designing, testing, and refining related tools at different points in time and in various ways. We are grateful to:
- the individuals who joined us in January 2020 to bring together technical, practical, and theoretical expertise on RPPs
- the over 300 members of RPPs who participated in interviews, completed surveys, tested tools, and provided critical feedback
- the participants in workshops and meetings hosted at the National Network of Education Research Practice Partnerships (NNERPP) Annual Forum and related events
This work has been supported by the William T. Grant Foundation through Grant 189569. The opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not represent views of the Foundation.
Below are links to writing related to the development and design of these tools. More coming soon!
Farrell, C. (2021). Developing valid measures of RPP effectiveness: An evidence-centered design approach. NNERPP Extra, 3(4), 2-5.
Farrell, C.C., Singleton, C., Stamatis, K., Riedy, R., Arce-Trigatti, P., & Penuel, W.R. (2023). Conceptions and practices of equity in research-practice partnerships. Educational Policy, 37(1), 200-224..