The NNERPP Early Childhood Education Subnetwork is a specialized learning community for NNERPP members who are conducting research on topics related to early childhood education. Members of 14 research-practice partnerships in NNERPP currently participate in this subnetwork.

Oakland Unified School District - UC Berkeley RPP
Mission: OUSD and UC Berkeley will cultivate a collaborative and reciprocal relationship seeking to learn together and to generate, transform, and use knowledge together, so that equity of opportunity and learning will exist among and for OUSD students, teachers and leaders.
Education Research Alliance for New Orleans
Mission: To produce rigorous, objective, and useful research to understand the outcomes and effects of the post-Katrina school reforms and their long-term effects on all students.
Madison Education Partnership
Mission: Engaging in and supporting high-quality, problem-based research, contributing to policy discussions based on MEP generated research, and regularly disseminating findings to the research community, school district, and the public in order to improve the experiences and individual outcomes for all Madison Metropolitan School District (MMSD) students.
Baltimore Education Research Consortium
Mission: Conducting and disseminating long- and short-term strategic data analysis and research that informs decisions about policy and practice to improve the educational and life outcomes of children in Baltimore.
Stanford-SFUSD Partnership
Vision: Stanford University and San Francisco Unified School District work together to design research that informs policies, practices, and scholarship to maximize the potential for each and every student in San Francisco and beyond.
Houston Education Research Consortium
Mission: HERC aims to improve the connection between education research and decision making for the purpose of equalizing outcomes by race, ethnicity, economic status, and other factors associated with inequitable educational opportunities.
REL Mid-Atlantic
Mission: REL Mid-Atlantic’s Strengthening the Early Education Continuum Alliance aims to support the improvement of early education, specifically focused on improving outcomes for children from birth through grade 3. The alliance is focused on collecting high-quality data, expanding measurement and assessment, and evaluating the effectiveness of teaching practices. Additionally, the alliance strives to bolster family engagement and improve chronic absenteeism in early care and education programs and to improve the quality of education for young learners by applying research on teacher qualification and compensation as well as blended funding models for programs. Members of the alliance represent Maryland, District of Columbia, Delaware, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
Boston P-3 Research-Practice Partnership
Mission: The Boston P-3 RPP aims to build data-driven evidence on policies and programs implemented by the BPS Department of Early Childhood in order to improve
children’s educational experiences as they move
from prekindergarten to third grade.
The Village @FCRR
Mission: Taking a place-based, collective impact approach, The Village creates, supports, and sustains research- practice partnerships to support reading achievement, school readiness, and school success among vulnerable children and youth.
NYC Early Childhood Research Network
Mission: Building New York City’s capacity to investigate and inform early childhood policy and practice for young children.
Literacy, Learning, and Leading In Georgia
Mission: Promoting the overall development and school success of children and youth in urban contexts through innovative, translational research that informs policy and practice.
Partnership for Early Education Research
Mission: PEER’s mission is to collaborate with its partners to produce rigorous, actionable research that can inform early childhood education policy and practice at the local and state levels, increase access to high-quality early childhood education, and reduce disparities in educational outcomes.
REL Northeast & Islands
Mission: REL Northeast and Islands’ Early Childhood Workforce Development Research Alliance brings together early childhood leaders from across the region to identify and use evidence to refine programs and policies aimed at increasing early childhood teachers’ degree attainment, credentials, and compensation, and to strengthen professional development plans and activities. REL Northeast and Islands’ Vermont Universal PreK Research Partnership assists the state in successfully implementing the new universal preK model.
The research repository includes all early childhood education research produced by the RPPs in this NNERPP Subnetwork, organized by topic. Get to the Research Repository page here or click on the buckets below to see all publications under each topic.